Each year at RTNF we have the distinct pleasure and honor to begin partnerships with new social impact organizations, and renew our commitments to others. While our funding plays an important part in enabling the work these partners do, it seems we are given too much credit and too many compliments for our "generosity" (in quotes because it's not even really our money, strictly speaking).
In reality, all of the honors and accolades are deserved by our partners. They are talented, ingenious, and devoted leaders who are obsessed with making the world a place of more opportunity and less suffering. We are in awe of them, so we are pleased to turn the spotlight on them today and announce our 2023 grant commitments:
New global partners:
Pivot: Since 2014, Pivot has worked alongside and with the Government of Madagascar to holistically strengthen health systems in the Ifanadiana district–strengthening CHWs, health centers, and district hospitals–and now serves 200,000 people. In their service area, neonatal, infant, and child mortality have decreased by 34%, 31%, and 27%, respectively.
Healthy Learners: Healthy Learners operates a school health model to enhance access to healthcare for children. The program trains teachers as School Health Workers to educate children on healthy behavior, coordinate preventive care, monitor and respond to student health, and connect schools to the local healthcare system.
Namati aims to empower people to access justice and protect their rights by using in tandem two powerful tools ordinary people have: law and community organizing. They work with communities to provide legal education and assistance and advocate for policy change to address systemic injustices. Their focus areas include land and environmental rights; health and human rights; and minority rights and equal access to essential identity documents.
New Utah partners:
Utah Youth Village's Families First Program supports families in building healthy relationships. Families First is to keep families together who are at risk of being separated. Here’s how it works: a Families First Specialist (a mental health paraprofessional) goes to the families’ homes for up to 10 hours a week for 10-12 weeks and mentors parents, connects the families to resources, role plays skills, models behaviors, and provides other services.
Utah State University's Monument Valley Campus: USU is constructing a new facility in Monument Valley, Utah, which will primarily serve the Navajo Nation.
Salt Lake Education Foundation's West High School Clinic: SLEF is partnering with the Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) , and the University of Utah Department of Pediatrics (U of U Pediatrics) to implement a school-based health clinic (SBHC) at West High School to increase access to quality comprehensive and coordinated health and mental health care for all students. Services at the SBHC will be provided at low or no cost to patients, making this an effective intervention for reaching uninsured and underinsured populations.
Renewed global partners:
Giving Green is an initiative of ID Insight that helps climate donors identify more effective interventions to mitigate climate change. Giving Green’s team of brilliant program evaluators, economists, and researchers have spent the last two years (about 10,000 hours research) identifying some highly cost effective and underfunded climate solutions, their “top nonprofits”.
Room to Grow aims to help children thrive from the start (focusing on pregnancy through age 3). They provide low-income parents and caregivers with essential baby and toddler items, strategies and support to promote their children’s development, and connections to community resources that can meaningfully expand their support network.
OneGoal is working to close the degree divide and create a world where all students can define their own future. While most HS students receive an average of just 38 minutes of college and career advising, 1G partners with districts and high schools in low-income communities to ensure postsecondary planning, preparation, and support aren’t treated as extracurricular activities, but as integral components of the high school experience.
Evidence Action's DeWorm the World Program Parasitic worm infections spread primarily in areas with inadequate sanitation – affecting poor communities around the world. These infections interfere with children’s nutrient uptake, often leading to anemia, malnourishment, and impaired mental and physical development. As a result, infection means that children are less likely to attend school, adversely affecting educational outcomes. EA’s Deworm the World Initiative helps bring the treatment for free to children at their schools in areas where prevalence is high.
Ubongo leverages the power of entertainment, the reach of mass media, and the connectivity of mobile devices, to deliver effective, localized learning to African families at low cost & massive scale through kids’ radio and TV programming. In the last 2 years Ubongo has nearly doubled its reach from 16 million kids to 32 million kids in 22 countries.
Renewed Utah partners:
Flourish Therapy works to expand access to affordable, culturally competent, evidence-based behavioral and mental health services for LGBTQIA+ individuals, couples, and families.
EveryDay Strong (EDS) teaches adults how to create a relationship and environment where children feel safe, connected, and confident, which can lower rates of anxiety, depression and suicide in kids and teens. They do this through online and in-person trainings with parents and caregivers, a handbook of resources, and a podcast with additional information.
For a larger list of our current partners, check out our See Our Partners page.